La Oficina Municipal de Información al Consumidor (OMIC) processed a total of 1,617 complaints in 2024, 8% more than the previous year, and handled an average of 300 monthly inquiries during the same period. This morning, the Councilor for Consumer Affairs, Vega Villar, highlighted this at the information desk set up in Plaza de los Bandos on the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day, pointing out that the people of Salamanca have this useful and effective tool at their disposal to learn about their rights and the best ways to enforce them.
Once again, complaints related to service contracts top the list, with telecommunications (207) taking the lead, followed by hairdressing and aesthetics (192), electricity and gas (175), banking and financial products (138), and travel agencies (72).
Regarding telecommunications, the main reasons for complaints were related to commitments to stay, requests for compensation for time without service, various issues with contracted lines, or cancellation requests. In the case of hairdressing and aesthetics, most of the complaints filed in 2024 were due to services not being provided due to the closure of establishments and the refund of amounts paid for services not rendered.
Among the main complaints in the electricity and gas sector are irregularities in billing, rising energy costs, estimated and actual readings higher than those recorded by the meter, lack of billing, contracts changed through opaque commercial practices, and difficulties in changing regulated rates.
In addition, OMIC recorded a total of 398 cases related to the purchase of goods. The most claimed products were related to home (104), electronics (71), clothing and footwear (70), appliances (47), and the acquisition of second-hand vehicles (35).
On the other hand, the City of Salamanca has a free Consumer Arbitration System, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023, for the extrajudicial defense of consumers, with more than 2,300 companies adhering to it. In the last year, 80 new companies joined. In 2024, 65 cases were opened, 13 fewer than the previous year. Of the decisions made, 25 were in favor, partially or fully, of consumer demands, 13 were against, and 3 ended in an agreement between the parties.
Municipal Consumer School
Similarly, the Municipal Consumer School annually provides activities and workshops to raise awareness and inform both adults and students about their rights as consumers and promote practical and accessible education in this area to help them make informed purchasing decisions in their daily lives.
Regarding programs aimed at students, 109 workshops were held in 2024 with over 2,500 students participating, promoting responsible consumption habits from a young age. The sessions covered key topics such as reading food labels, the impact of consumption and advertising, strategies to avoid food waste, everyday actions to care for the natural environment, and basic economic and family management concepts.
For adults, 7 ‘Consumer Cafés’ were held with nearly 100 attendees at the Victoria Adrados Integrated Municipal Center, addressing topics such as the electric social bonus, preventing online purchase scams, and understanding electricity bills, among others.