Entrega de material a agrupaciones de protección civil de León por valor de 33.000 euros

Today, the Director of the Civil Protection and Emergency Agency, Irene Cortés Calvo, accompanied by the territorial delegate of the province, Eduardo Diego Pinedo, delivered various materials to the volunteers of the Rioseco de Tapia and Vega de Espinareda groups, as well as the PROTEMER Association in Lago de Carucedo.

March 11, 2025

Castilla y León | Department of Environment, Housing, and Land Planning

The Government of Castilla y León has delivered a new batch of materials today to support the work of civil protection volunteers, specifically in the province of León. This collaboration with local entities that have volunteer groups in this field dates back to 2010 and aims to enhance the response capacity in emergencies by civil protection volunteers as complementary services to the essential services that make up the Civil Protection System of the Castilla y León Community.

This delivery strengthens the operations of civil protection volunteers in the province of León. The materials provided include mandatory uniforms consisting of visors, boots, water boots, pants, long-sleeve polo shirts, lining, parkas, gloves, neck warmers, shorts, and short-sleeve polos. Additionally, they have been provided with shelter materials such as tents, generators, light pumps, tables and chairs, thermoses, first aid kits for minor interventions, signaling materials like cones and marking tapes, and radio equipment, among others.

The value of the materials delivered to the Civil Protection Volunteers Group of Rioseco de Tapia amounts to 8,557.94 euros; to the Civil Protection Volunteers Group of Vega de Espinareda, 9,823.04 euros; and to the PROTEMER Association in Lago de Carucedo, 14,705.30 euros.

From 2010 to 2024, materials have been provided to civil protection volunteer groups and associations in León for a total amount of 553,273.08 euros. Additionally, between 2012 and 2025, 42 vehicles valued at 1,594,469.57 euros have been delivered to them.

The Director of the Civil Protection and Emergency Agency emphasized the importance of collaboration and joint efforts between administrations to achieve an effective and quality civil protection service system. Irene Cortés Calvo concluded the event by thanking them for their work and encouraging them to continue supporting the Civil Protection System of Castilla y León with their efforts.

Currently, a total of 2,909 people are serving as civil protection volunteers in Castilla y León, organized in 134 groups and associations. In the province of León, there are 814 volunteers distributed among 33 groups and three volunteer associations for civil protection.


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